"Was without question the best blue shark day ever! Maybe twenty inquisitive sharks, viz sparkling.... we're setting the bar rather high for the new series", Steve Backshall - BBC

"It is by far the most rewarding animal experience I've had in the UK - no question" says James Stewart of the Sunday Times.




BEFORE contacting us please read the FAQ below

Click here for the latest video clip                     Click here for sightings and updates on our FB page

These are specialist whole boat charter full day trips with us venturing quite some distance from shore and involve chumming using a special concoction of ‘rubby dubby’. The blues can appear within minutes or up to a couple hours but once around the RIB they will often stay for a few hours at a time. Encounters are best photographed either using a pole-cam or snorkelling.



Click here to see blues feeding on a dead dolphin: Amazon 'Atlantic - A year in the wild' 27.45 mins in

Click here to see 'Our Planet' narrated by David Attenborough 38 mins in

Click here for BBC One Show 'British Sharks' 2020

Click here for the Sunday Times Aug 18 feature & video

Click here for the SCUBA DIVER December 17 magazine article

Click here for the DIVER November 17 magazine article

Click here for the DIVER March 13 magazine article

Click here for the Dive Photo Guide review



Who am I?
The founder of free swimming with blue sharks in the UK I have been snorkelling and filming with these curious elasmobranchs in SW Cornwall for over 10 years. Often called the 'shark guy' by locals I offer a unique and intimate experience with the blues. I get you closer for longer without masses of other snorkellers getting in your way for the ultimate photographic opportunity. I have worked with numerous TV & Film companies over the years and am a true expert on guiding you through the filming process with unprecedented knowledge of lighting, camera settings and in-water advice.

Who can swim with them?
Anyone who has snorkelling experience but this is not a trip for the beginner! The chum is very smelly, the bobbing around of the RIB can cause seasickness if you suffer from it easily and it is not possible to return to shore unless you want to end the whole trip. Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, please advise of anyone under 18 when booking and we suggest 14 is the minimum age. If entering the water it is mandatory that you are totally dressed in dark colours, including HOOD, GLOVES and BOOTS and you do so entirely at your own risk. Avoid anything white, yellow or shiny widgets & put acrylic camera housings on sticks.

When is the best time of year to snorkel with Blue sharks?
The prime time generally is from mid July through to mid October with late August being the peak season but the over-riding factor is the weather. The sharks are here at this time of year without question, it is just you need the right conditions to find them. Ideally it should be sunny with calm winds. We will make a weather check a few days before your booking.
For availability click here. 

Why South West Cornwall?
South West Cornwall is by far the best place to see blue sharks as this is where they congregate in huge numbers to feed on the nutrient rich waters that are unique to the Celtic sea. Other locations boast of lucky sightings of one or two sharks whereas we often encounter so many blues around Logan to be able to accurately count them! Also the water colour and clarity is much better  for photography - typically 15-30 metres.

RIB Logan
RIB Logan is a 7.2 metres (24 feet) rigid hull inflateable boat, which is the preferred option to use for snorkelling as it is easy to get in and out of. Pole camming and filming over the side at eye level without the rocking of a hard boat just makes sense! Also she is easy to position to get the correct light for photography. She is licensed to carry seven passengers plus skipper up to 20 miles from a safe haven, which is more than far enough. Although we can take out seven passengers four is recommended to swim with the sharks and the norm. We carry a full itinerary of safety equipment.

Place & time?
RIB Logan is on a trailer and we use Penzance harbour for access to the south coast and blue shark trips (Penzance slip can be found by clicking here), look for the Sailing Club building and RIB Logan is a bright orange RIB on the slipway. We usually depart at 08.30 and return around 16.30 depending on tides and conditions. I will contact you a few days before departure for a weather check and to confirm timings. All day parking is available in the harbour car park and you will need about £8 in change, or use the JustPark App. Note: the nearby public toilets now require a 20p coin.

Cost & how to book?
Please go to my
Contact page and send me 
an email (FB, text, WhatsApp is OK for chit-chat but please email for bookings). Or if very short notice telephone (sorry no caller ID no answer!) but be aware that if I am out at sea I don't get good reception. For availability click here - green days are open. These trips are by whole boat charter only at £995 per day. For safety reasons a maximum of four people is recommended - I will take out a maximum of five people for the same price but please be aware it may limit interaction time in the water with the sharks and please bring the absolute minimum of gear. I do not take more than five persons on the blue shark trips. Please note that all bookings are subject to my terms and conditions and by booking all passengers are deemed to have accepted them. Should we have to cancel due to bad weather your booking fee will be refunded.

JUST TO REPEAT FOR SAFETY REASONS - WHOLE BOAT CHARTER ONLY. Sorry I do NOT do single person or couples bookings unless you want to book the whole boat for yourself. I NEVER have INDIVIDUAL places or cancellations, please do not contact me to ask!

Are available at whole boat rates as above so you can then choose a day nearer the time that suits everyone - green days are for whole boat charter see the calender.

What do I need to bring?
You will need a darkly coloured drysuit or a thick wetsuit such as a 5-7mm as the water is quite cold – 16 to 20 degrees centigrade. Hood, boots, gloves are ESSENTIAL and warm windproof jacket. Also basic snorkelling equipment i.e. mask, fins, snorkel. Try to avoid wearing anything white and/or shiny. For dry passengers, waterproof trousers and jacket, hat, gloves, sunscreen,
polarising sunglasses and flat soled non-slip shoes/boots. We are out all day so you need a packed lunch, snacks and drinks. Please bring only essential gear with you as space is limited and any electronic or camera equipment needs to be in a waterproof box or bag. Please don't bring large crates, large boxes and dive bags, dive computers, dive watch, dive knife, handbags, ipads, mobile phone, designer glasses, valuables etc.

Wetsuit & equipment hire?
We do have a range of popular sized quality wetsuits for hire; including hood, boots & gloves as well as masks, fins and snorkels at £25 per person per day. Any hire equipment must be pre-booked at least 48 hours prior to departure and please coordinate via the group leader. Please provide the following measurements: height, chest, waist, weight, shoe for each person hiring a wetsuit. We do not have any gear hire facility at the launch site. 

Can I use scuba?
Snorkelling is by far the best way to get close to the blues. They tend to be spooked by bubbles and we have repeatedly found them to be much more shy when using scuba. For specilaist filming projects we have had success with rebreathers but please phone to discuss this option.

Going ashore?
It is not possiible to return to shore during the day unless you want to end the trip.

The sea is vast with an endless flushing mechanism! For the girls it is also relatively easy to pee over the side or from the ladder.

Is seeing them guaranteed?
Blue sharks like all marinelife can be sometimes tricky to locate and a few hours can be spent chumming before we find them,
so sorry but sightings are not guaranteed. However, we are running at a 99% success rate and encounter them over and over again in the same place with many hours spent in the water with them. There is also a good chance of seeing common, bottlenose and Risso's dolphin, bluefin tuna, sunfish (Mola mola), minke whale, harbour porpoise and many species of sea bird as well.

Where can I store my equipment?
For those booking for more than one day all your snorkelling gear can be left with us - there is heaps of room in the boat shed to store all your wet stuff and hang out your suits.


Can I see Basking sharks on the same trip?
Anything is possible but it is unlikely as we are offshore for the blues.


Is there a cage?
This is not a cage trip. If you enter the water you will be in the sharks natural habitat, on its terms with all the associated risks, however, the experience is indescribably awe inspiring. Interacting with sharks in the wild can be potentially dangerous if you have any doubts please discuss these with us prior to booking. Blue sharks are wild animals, they are not trained in any way or domesticated and can be unpredictable, however, attacks on humans are incredibly rare.

My insurance only covers you when you are in the boat so if you require in-water cover you will need to arrange this privately. You will be asked to sign a waiver before departure.

Click here for the Blue Shark snorkelling guide